The vibe of the season is scarcity. In a world where “not enough” was already a raging force (not enough money, not enough sleep, not enough time…), COVID-19 has taken it up a big notch. Now we are overwhelmingly bombarded with constant news of dwindling resources: not enough diagnostic tests, not enough institutional preparedness, not enough clear leadership from Washington, not enough coordination, not enough face masks or hand sanitizer.
We are all stressed. Whether it is our job we are worried about, or what we will do for backup childcare, or those high-risk members of our family and community, this is heavy.
This morning I took some time to pose the question, “What DO we have?” And I found that the answer is the same for all of these questions:
What do we need? What can we give? What should we turn to?
The answer is always love.
Brene Brown said, “Love is sustainable, renewable, and it burns clean.” And that is the best news we could hear.
In vulnerable and isolating times, we need connection more than ever. So, while we may need to retreat to our own physical islands for a while, let’s resist losing touch with one another. Let’s check in on one another, let’s leverage technology for its highest purpose: community with one another. Call your elderly neighbor, send a letter to your parents, let your kids facetime with their friends. And when you are feeling overwhelmed with whatever is to come, find a quiet place to breathe and remember that this virus can’t take away our greatest resource – love.